Tayport Instrumental Band is a registered Scottish Charity (SCO01502) and is largely self funding, with income generated from community engagements and playing members’ annual subscriptions helping to cover running costs.
Our most significant fundraising project is ongoing – bringing the band hall into a better state of repair! The basic fabric of the building continues to need work, and although much has been done, there’s a lot still to do. The kitchen has been fully updated and we’ve also added a comfortable lounge area for members to relax in when we’re not rehearsing. Both toilets have also been renovated with new wc’s, basins and instant water heaters. Although the whole place was redecorated several years ago however, we continue to have problems with damp ingress from leaky rones and areas of the roof, so we are actively fundraising towards the cost of this work.
Player subscriptions
- At the time of writing this, players’ subscriptions are currently set at ?60 a year, with a concessionary rate of ?30 for unwaged members (payable quarterly). In return for their subscriptions, members have the personal use of a professional quality band instrument, uniform and music, as well as a band hall in which to rehearse. Many community organisations (and bands) have current subscription rates in the region of ?120 a year, so becoming a member of TIB is both fun and inexpensive!
Bingo and 200 Club
- Band members take it in turns to host prize bingo sessions held every Tuesday at 7.30pm in local pub ?Cobbies Inn? (just along from the harbour). These are always popular with the older members of the community, as much as for the meeting up as for winning the occasional prize or two!
- Another favourite is our “200 Club” which is rather like a monthly sweepstake competition but with a maximum permitted number of members of 200 (a few places still available!) – hence the name.
Other Activities
- We also hold regular coffee mornings, as well as doing bag packing sessions at local supermarkets, etc.
- We’ve also been fortunate to have obtained major donations from various charities such as the Scottish Arts Council (National Lottery Fund), Fife Council and the Gannochy Trust in Perth to help with major projects such as buying new instruments and uniforms.